The conference “How food changes us: nutrition, nutraceuticals and nutrigenomics” (Come il cibo ci modifica: nutrizione, nutraceutica e nutrigenomica) was held on the 7th of June 2017, in the Hall of the Order of Pharmacists of the province of Bologna.
The speakers were:
- Claudio Borghi – moderator
- Carlo Gessa – “Organic farming products: a questionable choice” (Prodotti da agricoltura biologica: una scelta discutibile)
- Silvana Hrelia – “Nutraceuticals and translational nutrition: the 3.0 vision of enhancement medicine” (Nutraceutica e nutrizione traslazionale: la visione 3.0 della medicina potenziativa)
- Arrigo Cicero – “Clinical nutraceuticals, inflammation and correlated risks: diet and pharmaceuticals” (Nutraceutica clinica, infiammazione e rischi correlati: fra dieta e farmaco).
- Federico Bardazzi – “Psoriasis and nutrition: do certain foods influence psoriasis?” (Psoriasi e nutrizione: esistono cibi che la influenzano?)
- Luigi Greco – “How food changes us: nutrigenomics and health” (Come il cibo ci modifica: nutrigenomica e salute)
The information material provided by the speakers is available on the right-hand side of this page. You can also download the summary of the conference, written by Professor Gianni Porzi, at the following link.